Hula Hoop
Teacher Training

Hula Hoop
Teacher Training

Share your love of hooping and make money from your passion with the best online hoop teacher training course

Share your love of hooping and make money from your passion with the best online hoop teacher training course

Share your joy and make money from your passion!

Share your joy and make money from your passion!

Do you LOVE how hooping makes you feel?

Do you want to share that passion with other people?

Do you want to get paid for doing what you love?

Do you LOVE how hooping makes you feel?

Do you want to share that passion with other people?

Do you want to get paid for doing what you love?

Then you're in the right place!

Then you're in the right place!

Health Problems We Support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Diam id mi facilisi pretium. Tellus diam condimentum nunc volutpat blandit. Nunc odio diam venenatis sit tincidunt.

Weight Loss

Obesity, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes.

Autoimmune Conditions

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Sjogren's syndrome,

Chrons disease, Ulcerative Colitis.

Digestive Issues

Bloating, IBS, IBD, gastritis, GERD/reflux, gallbladder disease.

Hormonal & Fertility Issues

Sex hormone imbalance, stress hormone imbalance, infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Skin Conditions

Acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal skin issue.

Complex Conditions

Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, other chronic illnesses of unknown origin.

Mental Health

Depression, anxiety, brain fog, low-mood, low confidence, tiredness, poor memory recall.


Longevity, future disease risk mitigation, mental and physical performance

Sports Nutrition

Physical performance, recovery, weight loss, muscle gain.

Our graduates say...

The course is worth way more than you pay! I got the money back (and more) within 2 months of running classes. If I'd have tried to set up and run my own business myself I'd still be scratching my head!

Now I teach weekly adult and kids hoop classes, school clubs, and workshops for Brownies and Guides groups. I also make hoops and have made a good chunk of my income from that! 


Naomi Shrove

The Hooping Kind

Jo took us through everything we needed to know about teaching and running a business. Before I started the hoop instructor training I was worried about being older than most hula hoop teachers, but Jo showed us that our individuality was a strength. Since training with Jo I have taught Beginners in my local area in the UK, and taught lovely hoopers from all around the world via the magic of Zoom!


Christine O'Neill


Our graduates say...

The course is worth way more than you pay! I got the money back (and more) within 2 months of running classes. If I'd have tried to set up and run my own business myself I'd still be scratching my head!

Now I teach weekly adult and kids hoop classes, school clubs, and workshops for Brownies and Guides groups. I also make hoops and have made a good chunk of my income from that! 


Naomi Shrove

The Hooping Kind

Jo took us through everything we needed to know about teaching and running a business. Before I started the hoop instructor training I was worried about being older than most hula hoop teachers, but Jo showed us that our individuality was a strength. Since training with Jo I have taught Beginners in my local area in the UK, and taught lovely hoopers from all around the world via the magic of Zoom!


Christine O'Neill


You can do it too!

Hi, I'm Jo Mondy - professional hula hooper and spreader of joy!


In 2007, I was constantly in pain and hating my job. My chronic illness made sitting at a desk in front of a computer agony and I was suffering from anxiety, low self-worth and a terrible body image. Basically, I felt trapped. I knew something needed to shift but I had no idea how.

Then I found hula hooping and life changed 

My best friend started going to a hula hoop class and I plucked up the courage to go with her. Even though I struggled to waist hoop, I quickly became addicted to learning hoop tricks.

As the months went by, I fell more deeply in love with hooping. My body became stronger and started to feel more comfortable moving it in new ways without being so self-critical. In 2010, I left Australia to start a new life in England, and I desperately wanted to share my hoop passion with other people. I made the decision to completely change career paths and set up my first hoop class in Brighton. 


In 2007, I was constantly in pain and hating my job. My chronic illness made sitting at a desk in front of a computer agony and I was suffering from anxiety, low self-worth and a terrible body image. Basically, I felt trapped. I knew something needed to shift but I had no idea how.

Then I found hula hooping and life changed 

My best friend started going to a hula hoop class and I plucked up the courage to go with her. Even though I struggled to waist hoop, I quickly became addicted to learning hoop tricks.

As the months went by, I fell more deeply in love with hooping. My body became stronger and started to feel more comfortable moving it in new ways without being so self-critical. In 2010, I left Australia to start a new life in England, and I desperately wanted to share my hoop passion with other people. I made the decision to completely change career paths and set up my first hoop class in Brighton. 


Now I have the best job in the world!

Today I earn my living by making people happy! I regularly get messages from students telling me that I’ve changed their life by giving them the confidence to move their body and bring more joy into their every day. 

And, because I’m my own boss, I get to choose when and how I want to work - so Now I have the best job in the world!! My chronic illness doesn’t define me anymore and I get to set my own hours - so I can spend more time with two sons while they are still little.


Now I have the best job in the world!

Today I earn my living by making people happy! I regularly get messages from students telling me that I’ve changed their life by giving them the confidence to move their body and bring more joy into their every day. 

And, because I’m my own boss, I get to choose when and how I want to work - so Now I have the best job in the world!! My chronic illness doesn’t define me anymore and I get to set my own hours - so I can spend more time with two sons while they are still little.


I wish someone had held my hand along the way!

Today I run a thriving and successful business but, I’ll be completely honest with you, the first few years were a slog.

I had no background in business and I made so many costly mistakes. I also struggled with the overwhelm and isolation of self-employment, and there were a few times where I almost gave up. Thankfully my passion for hula hooping kept me going. But I don’t want anyone to feel the same way I did.

So that is why I created my LiveLoveHoop hoop teacher training which has so far certified 375+ hula hoop instructors and helped them create joyful and unique hoop businesses around the world.


I wish someone had held my hand along the way!

Today I run a thriving and successful business but, I’ll be completely honest with you, the first few years were a slog.

I had no background in business and I made so many costly mistakes. I also struggled with the overwhelm and isolation of self-employment, and there were a few times where I almost gave up. Thankfully my passion for hula hooping kept me going. But I don’t want anyone to feel the same way I did.

So that is why I created my LiveLoveHoop hoop teacher training which has so far certified 400+ hula hoop instructors and helped them create joyful and unique hoop businesses around the world.

Everything is possible

The course made me feel that everything is possible. Jo helps you to dream big and offers encouragement at every stage. I had no experience of business, insurance or tax requirements but now I feel like I have a really solid grounding in what is required.

Also, I appreciated that challenging issues such as undercutting, competition, inclusion and diversity are raised and addressed in sensitive ways. Mostly, I loved that it made me feel capable, confident and excited to be starting a new circus journey.



Zephyr Circus

My biggest worry was that I am not a natural public speaker. I chose Jo's hoop teacher training as it is very well-regarded in the hoop community. Before the training, I was concerned that I would get very nervous when speaking in front of a large group and I would find it difficult breaking down tricks. But Jo helped me with all these problems and put my mind at ease!

Since completing the LiveLoveHoop teacher training, I have gone on to teach my own workshops, and taught at international hoop events and juggling conventions. It also gave me courage to start performing.


See Ying Yip

Hoop Spirit

Everything is possible

The course made me feel that everything is possible. Jo helps you to dream big and offers encouragement at every stage. I had no experience of business, insurance or tax requirements but now I feel like I have a really solid grounding in what is required.

Also, I appreciated that challenging issues such as undercutting, competition, inclusion and diversity are raised and addressed in sensitive ways. Mostly, I loved that it made me feel capable, confident and excited to be starting a new circus journey.



Zephyr Circus

My biggest worry was that I am not a natural public speaker. I chose Jo's hoop teacher training as it is very well-regarded in the hoop community. Before the training, I was concerned that I would get very nervous when speaking in front of a large group and I would find it difficult breaking down tricks. But Jo helped me with all these problems and put my mind at ease!

Since completing the LiveLoveHoop teacher training, I have gone on to teach my own workshops, and taught at international hoop events and juggling conventions. It also gave me courage to start performing.


See Ying Yip

Hoop Spirit

6 Reasons to Choose LiveLoveHoop


1) Learn from the best

Jo Mondy is an internationally acclaimed hoop teacher who has been hula hooping since 2007. She started training teachers in 2010 and has since qualified 400+ hoop teachers from 18 different countries.


1) Learn from the best

Jo Mondy is an internationally acclaimed hoop teacher who has been hula hooping since 2007. She started training teachers in 2010 and has since qualified 375 hoop teachers from 18 different countries.


2) Proven results

100% of teachers* said they improved their teaching techniques

(average increase from 5/10 to 9/10)

100% of teachers* said they improved their business knowledge

(average increase from 3/10 to 9/10)

* taken from surveys of 80 hoop teachers from the 2021/22/23 cohorts


2) Proven results

100% of teachers* said they improved their teaching techniques

(average increase from 5/10 to 9/10)

100% of teachers* said they improved their business knowledge

(average increase from 3/10 to 9/10)

* taken from surveys of 60 hoop teachers from the 2021/22 cohort


3) LIVE online classes + lifetime access in your own app

Each week you get access to Jo who will teach a live session (not prerecorded) tailored to you and your fellow trainees to make sure you get up-to-date access to the latest teaching info. It couldn’t be easier to access the course with your own LiveLoveHoop app - so you can carry Jo around with you in your pocket at all times. Download and stream wherever you want.


3) LIVE online classes + lifetime access in your own app

Each week you get access to Jo who will teach a live session (not prerecorded) tailored to you and your fellow trainees to make sure you get up-to-date access to the latest teaching info. It couldn’t be easier to access the course with your own LiveLoveHoop app - so you can carry Jo around with you in your pocket at all times. Download and stream wherever you want.


4) Value for money

100% of teachers* said the course was value for money.

 And many of our students make the course price back in just a few workshops/courses!

*average taken from surveys of 90 hoop teachers from the 2021/22/23 cohorts


4) Value for money

100% of teachers* said the course was value for money.

 And many of our students make the course price back in just a few workshops/courses!

*average taken from surveys of 60 hoop teachers from the 2021/22 cohort


5) Wonderful community

You'll meet and make friends with amazing hula hoop teachers on the same journey as you. Plus Jo will be your hoop mama on hand to answer all your questions and to support and guide you throughout the 8 week hoop teacher training and beyond.


5) Wonderful community

You'll meet and make friends with amazing hula hoop teachers on the same journey as you. Plus Jo will be your hoop mama on hand to answer all your questions and to support and guide you throughout the 8 week hoop teacher training and beyond.


6) AMAZING bonuses!

The only Hoop Teacher training with bonus handpicked workshops from leaders in the field of hooping including:

• Hoop making

• Hoop performance

• Hooping for social media


6) AMAZING bonuses!

The only Hoop Teacher training with bonus handpicked workshops from leaders in the field of hooping including:

• Hoop making

• Hoop performance

• Hooping for social media

Do you want all of this?

Our students are happy hoop teachers

I'm dead chuffed! I taught hoop all day today. And it means that I've now made back the course fee in just over 3 months.

Jo knows that my main worry about joining the course was money. I've been a stay at home mum with zero income for 5 years so the course fee was a lot of money for us. But I did it! And I'm doing a little happy (also very knackered!!) dance tonight!!


Cat Morewin

Artemis Hoops

Since taking this teacher training my life changed!

I chose Jo's training because I knew she is a great hoop teacher and I felt inspired by her & confident in her.

After completing the hoop teacher training, I was able to give up my full time accountancy job and set up my hoop business teaching classes, workshops and hen parties. I now have a successful fun hoop business sharing the joy and benefits of hooping. If you don't think you're ready to teach hooping you're wrong. If you can hoop and want to teach then go for it.


Helen Bartholomew

Hoops and Glitter

Our students are happy hoop teachers

I'm dead chuffed! I taught hoop all day today. And it means that I've now made back the course fee in just over 3 months.

Jo knows that my main worry about joining the course was money. I've been a stay at home mum with zero income for 5 years so the course fee was a lot of money for us. But I did it! And I'm doing a little happy (also very knackered!!) dance tonight!!


Cat Morewin

Artemis Hoops

Since taking this teacher training my life changed!

I chose Jo's training because I knew she is a great hoop teacher and I felt inspired by her & confident in her.

After completing the hoop teacher training, I was able to give up my full time accountancy job and set up my hoop business teaching classes, workshops and hen parties. I now have a successful fun hoop business sharing the joy and benefits of hooping. If you don't think you're ready to teach hooping you're wrong. If you can hoop and want to teach then go for it.


Helen Bartholomew

Hoops and Glitter

Book An Appointment Now

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Our Simple Process

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Diam id mi facilisi pretium. Tellus diam condimentum nunc volutpat blandit. Nunc odio diam venenatis sit tincidunt.

Book a consultation

Book a call with us to discuss your issues and how we may sport you

Start your programme

Book a call with us to discuss your issues and how we may sport you

Implement in your life

Follow your meal plan, supplement plan, and recipes. We will help you make lifestyle change.

Experience new health results

Enjoy an improved life quality and feel confident and knowledgable in your own health.

How does it work?

1) Learn from Jo LIVE!

Join Jo Mondy for 8 weeks of live lessons packed with practical info and exercises that you can start using immediately (curriculum details below)

  • Zoom class each Monday 7-8pm BST (UK time) starting date TBC for next round.

  • Each week will end with a Q&A so you can get personalised attention and feedback from Jo

  • Can't make the live? Every session is recorded and added to your LiveLoveHoop portal and app within 24 hrs and you get lifetime access

2) Bonus bitesize lessons

Support your learning (during the course and in future) with a curated library of prerecorded videos including:

  • how to teach and troubleshoot ALL the moves in a 6 week beginner hoop course

  • extra lessons on speciality subjects (see curriculum below for more details)

3) Submit your assessment to finish!

After the final lesson, you'll have 4 weeks to submit your teaching assessment including:

  • a video of you teaching hoop to a beginner

  • a business planning workbook.

(you will be 100% prepared and supported to do both of these!)

You CAN do this

With my step-by-step approach, you'll be teaching hoop classes with confidence

Expert live lessons tailored to you

Live Zoom classes are Mondays 7-8pm (UK time)

Start date TBC for next round

Can't make it live? Catch up any time via our online portal/app

Week 1 - 👩‍🏫 Foundations of a great hoop teacher 

Monday 8th April 2024

Let’s set you up for success! In this session, we look at the history and theory of teaching hula hooping, consider what makes a great hoop teacher, and break down the different stages of learning hoop tricks. We also focus on your mindset and take practical steps to challenge any confidence issues you might have.

Week 2 - ⭕ How to break down and teach ANY hoop trick 

Monday 15th April 2024

The heart of the whole teacher training course! In this session, I will share my tried-and-tested method of analysing, understanding and teaching ANY hoop move. 

Bonus - Access to my video library of beginner hoop moves where I show you exactly how to teach them all, step-by-step with troubleshooting tips.

Week 3 - 📹 Teaching your first hoop class

Monday 22 April 2024

Now you know how to teach tricks, it’s time to structure your first class. In this session, I teach you how to plan your hoop course/workshop, how to clearly demo your tricks to the class, plus loads of helpful tips that I’ve learned in my 14+ years of teaching hoop. 

Bonus - a pdf download of my 6-week beginner lesson plan including warm-ups, trick break downs and troubleshooting. 

Bonus - how to teach beginner choreographies and use flow exercises in your class.

Week 4 - ✍️ Implementation week/Q&A with me 

Monday 29th April 2024

Use this week to go through all the material you haven’t looked at yet, start practising your hoop teaching skills and ask me any questions you like. 

Bonus - how to teach hooping to children (includes 27 hoop games to play with them!) 

Bonus - how to teach hooping for fitness

Bonus - how to teach people with special needs

Week 5 - 💻 How to build a successful and unique hoop business

Monday 6 May 2024

“No one else is you and that is your power”. In this session, we look at why you want to set up your hoop business (including your vision and purpose), how to find your ideal customer, what your unique selling point is (hint, it’s you!), and how to choose a business name that feels right. We talk about competition in a frank and open way, and we also discuss the legal, tax and admin side of running a hoop business. 

Bonus - pdf download of your business planning workbook. 

Bonus - how to be anti-racist and inclusive in your hoop business (and in life!)

Week 6 - 🔑 What you need to get your hoop class started 

Monday 13 May 2024

All the practical info you need! In this session, we talk about what to look for when booking a venue, what to charge, how to collect payments, whether you should run a drop-in class or course and lots more. We also talk about how to actually make hoops and what other equipment you need to start teaching. We finish by setting SMART goals to put you on the path to business success.

Week 7 - 💰How to sell out your hoop classes

Monday 20 May 2024

Now you have all the tools to get started, you need students! In this session, I’ll share the 3 key things you need before you start marketing and share the best ways to promote yourself (both in the real world and online). We also dive into the practicalities of online teaching in order to reach a wider audience.

Week 8 - 📘Recap, Q&A and exam submissions open 

Monday 27th May 2024

It’s time to show me what you've learned! We finish the course with a chat about the future of your hoop business, including how to keep students coming back again and again. I will do a final Q&A session. And this week you can submit your exam video demonstrating your teaching, alongside your completed workbooks. (You have up to 4 weeks after this final session to submit).

No fluff, just clear and easy steps to becoming a hoop teacher

So is this the right course for you?

This IS for you if you are:

  • A hula hooper who wants to make money doing a fun job that you are truly passionate about

  • A hula hooper who wants a side-hustle or part-time job that you enjoy and allows you to make extra cash when you need it

  • A hooper who wants to create their own business in their own style, without the constraints of a franchise

  • A fitness professional who wants to add hula hoop classes to their teaching skills

  • A school teacher or teaching assistant who want to add some fun to their classes

This is NOT for you if you:

  • Want to be qualified to teach hoop in one day. 

    This course is an 8 week commitment with weekly LIVE sessions with Jo Mondy to ensure you get a well-rounded and deep understanding of hoop teaching and how to set up your own hoop business.

  • Want to be a part of a fitness franchise and pay a yearly fee to teach under their brand name. 

    There is nothing wrong with this! But the LiveLoveHoop Hoop Teacher training is all about giving you freedom to teach in your OWN style without any caveats. You will get all of our classes and frameworks to use as you wish and there is no obligation or financial commitment after the course. 

Get support & guidance so you can find your own path

About Company

Company is a private nutrition clinic in UK that focuses on providing long term health results by optimising your nutrition. We practice a style of nutrition that focuses on evolutionary science and

using modern tests (e.g. blood, gut analysis) to find the root cause of your health issues and provide a personalised nutrition programme to help support

your health concerns

Complete Health Analysis

Understanding your complete health history,family health history, and providing laboratory testing to find the root cause of your problems

Actionable Health Roadmap

Understanding your complete health history, family health history, and providing laboratory testing to find the root cause of your problems

Tracking Your Results

Understanding your complete health history, family health history, and providing laboratory testing to find the root cause of your problems

Recipes, Shopping, Chefs

Understanding your complete health history, family health history, and providing laboratory testing to find the root cause of your problems

Your LiveLoveHoop Teacher Training includes £4,070+ of value including...

8 weeks of live Zoom classes

Each week you'll get clear, step-by-step instructions on becoming a hoop teacher and setting up a thriving business, including Q&As with Jo Mondy (Value = £2500)

Hoop teaching video library

Lifetime access to a video library of Jo breaking down exactly how to teach 6 weeks of beginner hoop moves with troubleshooting advice (Value = £500)

Bonus teaching content

Pre-recorded lessons on speciality subjects - how to teach children, people with special needs, fitness hooping, and beginner choreography/flow classes and more

(Value = £150)

Community support

Access to a private facebook community with support from Jo and other students for 6 months minimum (Value = priceless!)

1-1 feedback

Personalised advice and feedback on your hoop teaching via your final assessment from Jo Mondy (Value = £100)

6 week beginner lesson plan

A lesson plan for a complete beginner hoop course as a pdf download
(Value = £100)

Access to Jo's online courses

Free access to Jo’s beginner adult and kids hoop classes online so you can see exactly how she does it
(Value = £70)

Certificate of completion

Completion certificate and hoop teacher badge images to use on your own website /socials (Value = £50)

Your LiveLoveHoop Teacher Training includes £4,070+ of value including...

8 weeks of live Zoom classes

Each week you'll get clear, step-by-step instructions on becoming a hoop teacher and setting up a thriving business, including Q&As with Jo Mondy (Value = £2500)

Hoop teaching video library

Lifetime access to a video library of Jo breaking down exactly how to teach 6 weeks of beginner hoop moves with troubleshooting advice (Value = £500)

Bonus teaching content

Pre-recorded lessons on speciality subjects - how to teach children, people with special needs, fitness hooping, and beginner choreography/flow classes and more

(Value = £150)

Community support

Access to a private facebook community with support from Jo and other students for 6 months minimum (Value = priceless!)

1-1 feedback

Personalised advice and feedback on your hoop teaching via your final assessment from Jo Mondy (Value = £100)

6 week beginner lesson plan

A lesson plan for a complete beginner hoop course as a pdf download
(Value = £100)

Access to Jo's online courses

Free access to Jo’s beginner adult and kids hoop classes online so you can see exactly how she does it
(Value = £70)

Certificate of completion

Completion certificate and hoop teacher badge images to use on your own website /socials (Value = £50)

Plus 3 amazing expert workshops

Bonus 1

Make hoops for profit (and fun!) with Gail from HoopSpin (worth £200)

Earn extra income in your hoop business is by selling hoops to your students. They are a ready-made market who want to buy from you. And you can also sell hoops at events, festivals and online. In this workshop, professional hoop smith Gail O'Brien will teach you exactly how to make your first beginner hoop including:

  • Info on what tools, tubing and tape you need

  • A LIVE step-by-step demo on making a hoop from start to finish

  • Advice on how to tape your hoops

  • Advice on how to price your hoops

  • Q&A so you can ask her any hoop making questions

Date TBC (replay available)

Bonus 2

How to create & sell your first hoop performance with Lila Chupa-Hoops (worth £200)

Performing can be an incredibly rewarding part of your hooping life and a great way to make extra money. But it can also be terrifying if you've never done it before!In this workshop, professional performer and hoop superstar, Lila Chupa-Hoops will give you an overview of the process of creating and selling your first hoop act including:

  • Creating your hoop choreography from start to finish

  • Ideas on where you can sell your act

  • What to charge for performances

  • Q&A so you can ask her any hoop performance questions

Date TBC (replay available)

Bonus 3

How to create effective hoop tutorials for your social media & hoop community with Taylor Flows (worth £200)